Puppy Linux Aka Slacko 7.0RC - Slackware 14.2

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Puppy Linux Aka Slacko 7.0RC - Slackware 14.2

Post by quotaholic »

I found a somewhat recent puppy that works on the DT366GX hardware. Find ISO files here:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pu ... FF-ABI.iso for firefox
http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pu ... PM-ABI.iso for palemoon.

I tried palemoon and it wouldnt start for me. If this is the case just remove it from the setup menu and remove installed packages. There is a pet file I added called get-browser. It should offer choices. Use this to download a working browser.

That being said lets talk expectations. The hardware in on par with a pentium 2. If most browser tabs take up about as much ram as we have installed on the tablet please consider visiting very light web pages.Like the web interface to a home automation system, download interface or control platform. Going to yahoo.com main page will not work very well.

The touchscreen is working on the penmount driver for ubuntu 12.04-20.04. There is a utility in the utility menu to make adjustments or calibrations. Xvkbd was installed in the original iso file so about the only other thing I added was a program called : xbindkeys.

Xbindkeys uses a file at /root/.xbindkeysrc. This file adjusts what happens on button presses. Scroll to the bottom to see the section I added.

I added acpitool for suspend and the power button is tied in to xbindkeys but I have not tested.

We have a working geode video driver. This means hardware accelerated video. mplayer is also installed.

I would recommend to anyone on ebay that you think about upgrading the wifi hardware. Since its removable its not all that hard. Slacko 7.0RC should support the cisco card but I dont know where that old of a network can be found. I use a Ambicom WF54CF or 54G wifi compact flash card for wifi. I had to add the libertas_cs kernel module to puppy startup. Once done it was easy to get puppy package manager working.

To get this installed and working please download linux live loader version 2.0 from here:

http://download.tuxfamily.org/lilicreat ... %202.0.zip

and download one of the two iso files above. And grab the save file from the bottom of the post and unzip it.

Use lili-2.0 to install iso to usb disk. Copy the unzipped save file to usb. I get my best luck with 1-2gb usb 2.0 stick on passive hubs with rf keyboard usb dongle. Plug in the usb dongle after you see puppy loading.

Boot tablet (allow 5 minutes) and go to universal installer for puppy. Install puppy to /dev/sda1 and use gparted to format it before you do. I use ext3 but this version of puppy also allows for F2FS file system install. I do not think it will matter much so choose what you would like. Once install completes make sure to copy the save file to /dev/sda1. Reboot and enjoy. There are a lof of questions during this stage. I choose ide cf adapter or closest for internal hardware. Matt has a puppy 4.31 post on this forum that goes in to more details. At the end of the install choose to save to a file opposed to a partition or folder. Make sure to copy the save file to installed drive and reboot.

It takes a long time to boot but once its on its feet the interface is usable. The video driver keeps the interface working fairly quickly and all hardware is supported. I did work on the right side button but cant get udev to pick it up. There is a file in /etc/udev/hwdb.d/69-right-side-button.hwdb or similar. Attempts to get the right side button working have been made here. Buttons are single press. No toggle actions as puppy does not use pkill. Makes it much harder to script a toggle without pkill.

After installation you will have about 200mb left on the hard disc. I went through the puppy setup menu and hit the "remove installed packages" option and went through that to lighten things up some. Here are just some examples of things that can be removed::


Once I got this far I had about 200 mb free.

I did install bluez from puppy-slacko repository. I couldnt get mine to work to well. My hardware is not in great shape. If you experience the same delete bluez from puppy-slacko repository and download the one from slackware14.2 repository. You may have to add blootoothd to puppy startup services as well as script in a:
/usr/bin/hciconfig hci0 up
in to an existing startup file like /etc/rc.d/rc.local or the webdt-startup-config file I use in /root/my-applications/bin
Here I start services that puppy does not normally accommodate.

Sadly I do not think that cs5535 was built in to alsa audio in the kernel so I do apologize. Most things work well with exception to sound. Most puppies after this edition were made with PAE built in to kernel and we will not be able to use. This is about the most recent iso I can find to use. It is from 2017.

CF Card Slot: Yes
PCMCIA Slot: Yes
Hardware accelerated Video: Yes
Buttons: Yes, right side button still a work in progress
D-Pad: Yes
Touchscreen: Yes
Battery(s) and monitoring: Yes

Not working: Sound
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